Sponsorship Opportunities

The North American Mine Ventilation Symposium is the foremost gathering of mine ventilation professionals from the industry, academia, and national laboratories. Several opportunities are available for potential sponsors. Please contact Ashish Kumar, Ph.D., P.E. at awk5528@psu.edu for more information


Sponsorship Level





Complementary full-symposium registration Y Y Y   Y
Complimentary exhibitor booth Y Y Y    Y
Sponsor’s logo and webpage on the symposium website Y Y Y
Logo on posters at prominent locations at the symposium Y Y Y
Logo on the cover page Y
Logo on the sponsor’s page Y Y Y
Logo and names during plenary sessions Y Y Y
Logo on the digital proceedings Y
Brochures in attendees’ packet (sponsor pays) Y Y
Promotional material sent to attendees through email Y Y
Recognition on electronic promotions Y Y Y
Corporate profile in the sponsor section 300 words 150 words 100 words

Other sponsorship opportunities are also available for:

  • Coffee break
  • Lightning presentation sessions
  • Keynote event
  • Awards ceremony
  • Technical sessions
  • Conference bags
  • Lanyards – Sold out


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